Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thank You, Lord!

Well, the annual financial results are in! Revenues have doubled during the last two years, in spite of the financial turmoil in the world. Furthermore, start of year bookings for 2010 are also up significantly when compared to 2009. So indications are that 2010 will be an even better year financially. But we can’t take credit for this accomplishment, because it’s not our doing. It’s all God’s handiwork. Thank you, Lord! You are always good and faithful!

Now please let me explain: I was an agnostic when Debbie and I met. An agnostic is essentially an atheist with an open mind. I am now a believer in Jesus Christ, thanks to Debbie. But I can clearly recall how God provided even when I didn’t believe in His existence. I remember the days as a consultant, or between jobs. There were times when I didn’t make a penny for over a year! But somehow a contract or an employment opportunity always materialized just as we were about to run out of money. I thought it was luck or coincidence. In retrospect I can see God at work, always providing enough to keep a roof over our heads and keep the family going.

When Debbie and I tackled Roseland, we dedicated it to God’s glory. We knew that startup would be difficult. Little did we understand just how difficult. Obviously we didn’t plan on Debbie’s cancer; nor did we plan on the economic meltdown. But God is always faithful and true. He has not only provided financially, He has sent many wonderful friends with just the right experience and just the right words of comfort to fill our particular need at the time. So I will close this blog with a simple “Praise the Lord!” and “Thank You, Jesus, for all You’ve done not just for us, but for every single person who ever lived.”
God bless,

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