It seemed like spring would never come; we had cold spell after cold spell. No buds. The flowers that did poke through the ground froze and died. Everything seemed dreary and nearly hopeless. Then all of a sudden we had a couple of warm days and everything literally sprang to life overnight. All the trees flowered. Roseland was awash in color. First the bradford pears, then the redbuds, forsythia, dogwoods, and so on. Then the azaleas burst forth, and roses and jasmine cast their delightful fragrance. Everything came back to life; everything was resurrected from the dead. All our senses are tingling from the joy of spring.
Then Jesus came and light entered the world. Dawn had broken. Through His work on the Cross the world was redeemed from death and resurrected.
Thanks to Jesus, spring has sprung on the earth. He poured out His living water, and we all started budding. Those who drank of His water freely blossomed with joy. Those who nourished themselves through His broken body and shed blood sprang back to life, full of energy and peace. Those who believed in Him rejoice at the prospect of the coming days just as we rejoice in the prospect of the coming days of spring and summer.
As I wander through Roseland I see beautiful flowers that warm the heart, make me smile, and bring joy to a world which seemed dead and is now alive. As I wander through Roseland I am reminded of my beautiful Angel, Debbie. I smile with joy in the certain knowledge that although she seemed dead a few months ago, there will be no more winters for her. She is now fully alive in Heaven, enjoying eternal Spring and Summer; and one day so shall I - with her.
The Bible declares that the Heavens and Earth shout the glory of God and praise the Lamb of God. Undeniably, so do the seasons. It is, indeed, fitting that Jesus, our Savior, was crucified in the spring, for only through His crucifixion can we all spring back to life. Let the joy of spring be an annual reminder of our coming joy, thanks to the work of our Redeemer.
Rejoice! Thank God for His grace and mercy.
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